
We’re Having A Mini

I’m pregnant!!!! In-sa-ne. I’m still half in shock, but so SO excited!! It was honestly the hardest secret to keep – but also felt nice to be our little secret for a while. Today I’m 13 weeks + 1 day + due July 20th, 2020.

How + When I Found Out

I went out of town for two weeks for work + ended up being late. I’ve been late before by a couple days so didn’t think much of it. I told myself on day 5 of being late I’d take a test. The night of day 4 I got a random wave of nausea before I went to bed + thought it was weird, drank some water + went to bed. Well, day 5 came + I really wanted spicy tuna with crispy rice + knew IF I was pregnant, I couldn’t eat it so I decided to take a test before going to dinner.

I walked over to the nearest CVS with my best friend Megan + bought a test. I really had to go to the bathroom, so instead of waiting until I got back home to take the test like a normal person, I ran into a public bathroom + took the test. I put the test in a paper towel + we started walking home. Megan put her timer on her phone for 3 minutes. I really didn’t think it was going to be positive so I wasn’t thinking that hard about it. After the timer went off I slowly opened the paper towel and it said yes+ !!!! I remember just saying omg 100x , pacing back and forth + before we knew it we were both crying happy tears on the side of the street.

I had a week left before I was supposed to fly back home, but I ended up changing my flight + leaving the next morning. I surprised Devin the next day + he had no idea that I came home early to tell him that we’re pregnant. I set up the pregnancy test, a stuffed animal llama + a daddy book on the bed + called him upstairs.

You can watch his reaction here :’)

The 411 On The First 12 Weeks

They say your first trimester is rough + they definitely aren’t wrong. From morning sickness, being exhausted, to mood swings + headaches, you can’t really catch a break. There’s also a sense of fear that washes over you in the beginning because you start to worry about miscarriage, changing your diet, do I have to switch my skincare? cleaning products? when do I cave + buy maternity clothes?

I think these are all very common concerns in the beginning. Especially because if you’re waiting until your 12 week safe mark, you could be dealing with all of this in secrecy, which becomes the hardest secret to keep EVER.

Considering I had no idea I was pregnant until around 5 weeks , I started off well. I started to get headaches, but had no idea it was a symptom of pregnancy. My first doctors appointment was scheduled for two weeks later.

5- 6 weeks pregnant: bursting at the seams – should we tell our immediate family we’re pregnant? what prenatal should I take? we were both anxiously waiting for our first doctors appointment so that we could find out how far along I actually was. I was really tired, took naps throughout the day, my boobs were beyond sore, but I wasn’t nauseous.

7-8 weeks pregnant: I was tired, nauseous the minute my eyes would open + had morning sickness. I also would crash pretty early by 8 or 9pm.

FINALLY! It was doctor day. I couldn’t wait to find out how far along I was, what I had to do next + to ask my doctor a LIST of questions I had written down in my notepad on my phone from the moment I found out I was pregnant. Mind you, on the day of my doctor appointment I for sure thought I was maybe 5/6 weeks pregnant. I sat with the nurse, she took my vitals, asked me when my last cycle was + said “ok…. paused + then said 7 weeks + 3 days.” I was on another planet, zoned out because hi, i’m pregnant + still in shock. I turned to look at her like a solid 1 to 2 minutes after + said, “7 weeks + 3 days?? who’s 7 weeks + 3 days? i’m 7 weeks + 3 days?” she laughed + took me to see my doctor.

This was our first exam with my OBGYN who was going to make sure everything looked good + on track. We did a sonogram + got to see our mini for the first time. At this point, the baby is as a big as a blueberry, but looks like a blob. All I could really point out was the little heartbeat through the screen.

8-9 weeks pregnant: This is when I really started to feel the hormone shift in my body. I was tired as usual, started to get food aversions, nausea, light headed + became super short fused.

I’ve heard you can get super emotional and/or hormonal throughout your pregnancy. Thankfully, I haven’t been overly emotional, but I have been moody. An old wives tale says if you’re moody you’re having a girl so if that’s true – this little mini is 1000% a girl. Between 8-9 weeks pregnant I just didn’t have any patience + said whatever I was thinking. I usually say what’s on my mind, but will filter myself when necessary – no. pregnant Raquel doesn’t. I apologize in advance, but not really.

I also was the opposite with food. I wasn’t constantly hungry, but would force myself to eat because if I didn’t eat, I’d start to feel sick. Food just wasn’t satisfying me + I wasn’t enjoying my meals.

We had our second doctor appointment + got to see the baby again. Everything looked great, I got the clear to workout + the doctor went over testing options that were available. That’s a whole other topic of worry. Throughout your pregnancy, you’re going to get tested for so many different things + you just hold your breath + pray for the best.

10-12 weeks pregnant: still not a big appetite, but I finally started to get my energy back. I wasn’t exhausted 2 hours after I woke up + was able to skip my nap + make it through the day.

Your doctor will go over genetic testing, etc. + you’ll decide what’s best for you as a couple + more forward. They say the minute you find out you’re pregnant, is the minute your lifetime of worry begins + it’s true. Before every doctors appointment I’m both excited + nervous because every visit you’re given a new test result.

While I’ve had moments + days of feeling both sick + tired, I wouldn’t change anything. I love being pregnant. I love running to the mirror in the morning + seeing how my body changed over night. I love watching our mini grow.

If you’re pregnant, i’m wishing you a smooth + healthy pregnancy! Everyone’s journey is different, but we’re creating l i f e + that’s pretty damn awesome <3

xx Raquel



  1. Ellen Fein
    January 30, 2020 / 10:18 am

    Sooo cute. Love all these!! Very informative and helpful!

    • Raquel
      February 5, 2020 / 1:49 pm

      thank you!!! xo

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