
Transform Your Linen Closet With These 5 Easy Steps

If you’re visual like me, cluttered areas or unorganized closets drive you insane. I like things to be grouped accordingly and to look as clean as possible. I guess it’s the Libra in me.

My recent home project was to organize our linen closet and make it more visually appealing. Home Goods was my first destination because they have great baskets. If you’re searching for a chic way to streamline your linen storage, consider investing in baskets or bins. They are perfect to organize not only because they are widely available and super affordable, they also look unbelievably sophisticated while hiding your mess and keeping all of your linens compartmentalized. I was able to categorize according to hand towels, bath towels, pillow cases and bed sheets.

Now when I open the linen closet, there aren’t sheets and towels bundled up. Instead, I see pretty baskets and clean lines that the Libra in me LIVES FOR. It looks so organized, I actually want guests to open the closet door. Below are some tips on how you can organize your linen closet efficiently.

5 Easy Tips for Organizing Your Linen Closet

  1. Figure out how you are going to organize the space- The first thing you need to figure out is how you’re going to organize the space. Are you going to give every item their own basket? Are you going to combine pillow cases with bed sheets? etc. Coordinating your linens by category really makes it easy to grab what you need.
  2. Marie Kondo it- Go through items you no longer use, towels that are stained, and sheets that have holes in them, and let them go. This makes space for new linens that ‘spark joy’ and also adds more room for your baskets.
  3. Find baskets that will fit your space- You can use baskets or bins, whichever you see fit, just make sure they fit your space. Measure your closet before purchasing to ensure you get the right fit. You should also be able to bring them down easily and access your linens with ease.
  4. Label everything-It’s amazing how a simple, elegant label can make your closet look fresh and tidy! Labeling your baskets allows for easy and quick access. Instead of having to go through every bin or basket, you’ll have them labeled and easy to access. Your significant other will also thank you.
  5. Roll towels/sheets- Get the most out of your bins or baskets by rolling up your linens. You could even tuck your bedsheets into your pillowcases to keep all sets together. I find that rolling up my linens gives me more space to add more.


Organizing can be fun and so satisfying when it simplifies your life and makes the ship run smoother. What tips do you have for organization?

xx Raquel


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