
How I Pack For A Work Trip & My 6 Travel Necessities

I’m off to my first work trip of 2019 to California today. I’ll be gone for three days so I can pretty much fit everything I need in a carry on bag and backpack. I’ve traveled so much over the last ten years that I can honestly pack 30 minutes before I need to be out of the door and have everything I need. I’ve learned what is an absolute necessity to bring and what is not. Less is more when packing, especially if you’re traveling alone like I am most of the time. You don’t want to be lugging around a 50 pound bag or a heavy carry on back and forth.

Here are 6 tips on how I decide what I’m going to pack for a work trip and what is an absolute necessity on my travel check list:

  1. How Many Days Will I Be Gone? How many Outfits Will I Need?

First thing I think about is the number of days I’ll be gone and what I’ll be doing on those days. For this trip, I”ll be gone three days, but two of those days are travel days. So, that means on those two travel days I can wear the same outfit so I technically only need to pack one outfit, but if I want to bum it out at the airport, then I’ll pack two total so I don’t show up to work looking like a bum. That leaves me with two outfits in my carry on and pajamas.

Shoes take up the most space in your suitcase so if you can, only bring one pair of shoes and wear them to the airport, or pack two and wear your chunkiest shoe to the airport.

2. What’s The Weather Like?

Do I need jeans, shorts, a coat or a raincoat? Boots or sandals?

California is actually mildly cold so I’ll be wearing my boots to the airport and packing my sneakers in my suitcase. I’m going to pack one pair of jeans, these by Paige denim, that I can wear to work Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday night at the airport I’ll wear the sweatpants I’m going to be wearing to California on Monday.

Jeans are the easiest pants to pack because you know you can wear them more than one day and no one is going to think twice about it. I feel like it’s the general rule for jeans. As long as you change out your top, you’re golden. I’m taking two long sleeve tops and my camel coat by GIA that I know will keep me warm on the plane and also in Cali. I like to take versatile pieces with me so a solid pair of blue denim, and a camel coat that I know I can throw over anything and it will match. It’s a win-win and you can’t go wrong. A coat is also super bulky and will take up most the space in your carry-on so wear it to give you more room for other necessities.

3. Pack Fluffy Socks and Two Headphones

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but planes are freezing cold and there is nothing worse than trying to nap and being too cold to do so. Especially on a long flight. Packing fluffy socks in your travel bag or carry-on to throw on once you’re on the plane will save the day. I also like to take my shoes off if it’s a long flight for circulation in my feet, so fluffy socks add for extra comfort.

Two headphones you ask? There’s nothing worse then forgetting your headphones for a flight. You can’t watch a movie, listen to your favorite podcast, or music. If you have a new iPhone, then you know the struggle of Apple removing the headphone jack. Now, our headphones plug into the charger which is different than your traditional headphone jack on a plane. It won’t work and you’ll be so disappointed. Have you ever purchased airline headphones? They’re the worst. I always pack my headphones for my iPhone and the traditional headphones that I know will work on the plane and on my laptop.

4. Pack Your Toiletries The Morning Of

When it comes to packing my toiletries, I wait until the morning of. This helps me limit the amount of products I take with me. If I use it the morning of, then it goes in my bag because that means I’ll also want to use it while I’m away. This goes for my moisturizer, my face wash, contacts, summer fridays jet lag mask etc.

5. Download Headspace App

Being a nervous flyer is something that is new for me, I’d say for the last year or so. I discovered the Headspace app – an app that uses guided mediations and use it whenever I start to feel like my mind is starting to race. If you are a nervous flyer like me, I recommend using this app before take off, even the night before, or in-flight. It will really help refocus your energy and get your mindset in the right place.

6. Neck Pillow

I use to wonder if neck pillows actually worked because they always looked so uncomfortable. The first time I purchased a neck pillow I was about to embark on a nine hour flight to London. It was a lifesaver because let’s be real- anything is better than nothing. Whenever I have a long haul flight or get stuck with a middle seat, I pack my neck pillow. I know I’ll at least be able to sleep comfortably and won’t end up on my neighbors shoulders.


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